Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Double Journal Entry #5

"Teachers must know not only their subject matter, but their students as well. To do this successfully, they must accept the risk and vulnerability of openness to what their students suggest, and what they might not know themselves as teachers."
I chose this quote because I strongly believe in getting to know your students and using them to learn things that you may not know. Not only should I know my subject matter but I should spend the time getting to know my students. This will let the students know that I respect them and in return, they will respect me. If I am open to listening to what they have to say then when I speak they will be open to what I have to say. In the classroom, the students and the teachers should be learning.

1. What is reverent listening and how can it support Reverent listening?
Reverent Listening is the "recognition of the need for aid and sustenance by others and the good of human relationship and communion". This supports culturally responsive teaching because it allows students to feel comfortable and respected. The students respect the teacher just as much as the teacher respects them. The teacher is passionate about what they are teaching thereby making their students passionate about what they are learning. All of which make the possession of power equal for both students and teachers.

2. Give an example from your own schooling experience of what this quote means: "Reverent Listening is not to be confused with humiliation and domination by others who for us to listen,and even less so, with the kind of incompetence that wants to be told what to do" 
To be honest i'm not really sure I understand the quote. I get that you are supposed to listen to people and not use what they say to humiliate or show dominance over someone but I can't give an experience because I'm not sure that I understand fully what it means.

3. what is meant by a "laundry list" of value ethics? Give examples from your own schooling then explain how this approach to character education can be NON-culturally responsive.
I believe this means teachers decide what values and ethics are most important to them and use it in that order. Some teachers may value reading as more important like my 3rd grade teacher and another teacher my value math as more important like my 5th grade teacher. In both cases the subject they were more passionate about was the subject they focused on.

4.Have you ever had a teacher that at one time or another exhibited traits of reverent teacher? What did they do? How did they make you feel?
My fifth grade teacher was proabably the best teacher I have ever had. She was definetly a reverent listener. She would always listen to us and here what we had to say. She respected us just as we respected her. She learned many things right alongside of us and was always eager to learn new things. If a student said something that seemed a little off she would never disregaurd what they said she would write it on the board and research it later. Shoe would use that as a lesson not only for her, but for us too. Three of us were taking the same dance class and we were excited about our dance recital coming up. Our teacher showed up with roses for each one of us and watched the entire program. I felt like she actually cared about me and what was going on in my life. For that reason I will probably never forget her.

5.What factors contribute to a "toxic" school culture?
One factor that contributes to a toxic school culture is being blinded buy something that you want so badly (like good test scores of standardize tests). If the teacher is soley concentrating on making sure she goes over exactly what is on the standardized test and neglects the needs of the students then the classroom/school becomes toxic. When the listening stops the school culture becomes toxic because they fail to explore other ideas. k

6. Find a quote to incorporate in your philosophy of education and explain how it fits or changes your philosophy of education.

"Wise and provident leaders realize that all knowledge is incomplete and listen to others. A reverent leader is not arrogant because she knows she cannot know everything about every situation, but must rely on followers to provide ideas, ideals, and, sometimes, leadership, through which all can learn about a situation and provide solutions to problems."

I chose this quote to incorporate in my philosophy of education because it is something that I agree strongly with. I, myself do not know everything and I believe my students can teach me so much more than I know now. The way I learn is by listening to others and hearing what they have to say. Their input can help me see something that maybe I can't see. Everyone has different view points and we see everything differently. I can learn so much more if I shut my mouth and just listen. This quote fits perfectly into my beliefs and although listening is something I need to improve on, it is also something I think will help me and my students.

7. Reverence Activity
Reverence Pennies

This idea was such a great idea. Anytime you catch your students being reverent, you write their name on a penny. When they get a penny, the student puts the penny in his/her jar. At the end of the month or marking period the student can use the pennies to buy stuff in the school store. Pennies may also be taken away when the student isn't being reverent. You could even have the students give the teacher pennies when they think the teacher is being reverent to reineforce the mutal respect for each other.

Rud, A.G. & Garrison, J. (2010). Reverence and Listening in Teaching and Leading. Teacher College Record 112 (11) 2777-2792.

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