Monday, October 22, 2012

Double Journal Entry #9

A Strange Fact About Not Learning To Read
1 and 2. The strange fact about not learning to read is the fact that the majority of the people that can't read are those who come from "minority groups whose members have faced a history of prejudice and oppression (Snow et al. 1998)". The reson being is because most students who fall into this catergory are usually "poor". They don't fit in with the middle to upper class student which alienates them from the other students. Thus, causing them to not be interested in school.
3."it seems a bit strange - creepy even - to claim that an African American child or a poor child might be inherently less able to engage with Pokemon than white or rich children. We do not, however, find such thoughts strange when we thnk about school learning, though we should" (Gee, 2004)

4.The difference between the traditionalists approach to learning to read and more progressive educators is the fact that the tradionalists are focused more on skill-base situation as opposed to the meaning driven based progressive educators.

5. Learning to read is not a natural process. Learning to walk and talk are more natural processes. Learning how to read is something that is learned.

6. The natural process is one with which we are born with (like walking and talking). An instructed process is where someone is instructing/teaching. The cultural process is one with which a person learns pertinent information that is based off his/her cultural upbringing. Reading should fall under  the cultural process. It is important for students to learn in a culturally rich environment.

7. Reading is taught as an instructional process. However, I believe that a cultural based process might be more beneficial to students because in most cases that culture will stick with them in what ever endevors they choose to embark on.

8. The fourth grade slump is atributed to the changing from learning to read and reading to learn. This change causes many students stress and often causes grades to drop.

9. Better predictors of successful reading is the early language experiences the students come to school with. The more experiences a child has with language and literacy the better able the student is to learn how to read.

10. Vernacular language is one that occurs on a daily bases and is gernerally more natural to the person. Whereas, the speciality language is learned and is more proper.

11. Early language ability is generally formed when a child is raised in a print rich environment prior to entering pre-k or kindergarten. The more experiences the child had prior to entering school the better equipped the child id to learning how to read. It is developed at home.

12. The traditionalist approach fails to teach kids how to read because it is not started early enough. It also doesn't account for their language experiences.

13. I don't think that it necessarily the parents fault that the children don't know a specialized language. It is hard enough to learn the vanacular of most places, so I believe specialized learning would be even harder. We also live in a society where there are millions of single parent, no parent, or working parent families. I feel as though providing food and shelter for their children might just be slightly more important that teaching their child a specialized language. They could provide them with the neccessary tools if possible, but I don't think that it is plauseable in most situations.

14. To be honest, it was not a hard reading. There were a few words that challenged me but once I looked them up and found a defintion for the word the meaning of the sentence became much clearer. I only had a few words that needed to be defined, so overall I think I did pretty well.

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